The launch of a stev...

The launch of a stevia-based natural flavor

11 Jul 2019 | Sweet Green Fields

Sweet Green Fields (SGF), one of the largest global, fully integrated stevia ingredient companies, has launched the new stevia-based natural flavor. The ingredient is aimed at helping North American food and beverage manufacturers keep the sweet taste, mouthfeel and flavor of sugar when reducing most or all sugar and replacing with high intensity sweeteners (HIS). Thus far, the product is available in US, Mexico, Brazil, Philippines and anywhere that FEMA GRAS flavors are accepted. It is patent pending in the US and most countries in the world. Labeled as a natural flavor, SteviAroma improves the holistic sensory performance of HIS by elevating the sweetness, supplying the full-bodied mouthfeel and modifying the flavor and aroma. Also on display was Zolesse Natural Flavor, a solution that enhances sweetness and reduces sugar usage.

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