The Launch of a New ...

The Launch of a New Fruit Line for Bakery Products

10 Feb 2016 | Philibert Savours

With Too Fruit, Philibert Savours is offering a new range of fruit flakes that will enable professionals to employ their creativity and inventiveness. The new Too Fruit range lets imagination and creativity run free by offering endless possibilities including cream, ice cream, sponges, chocolate, sauces and American pastries. The range comes in seven different fruit options: orange, lemon, raspberry, blackcurrant, strawberry, apricot and banana. Pascale Philibert, Managing Director of Philibert Savours explains the thought behind the product, “Because many people use fruit puree, which contains a lot of water, they have to store it in the fridge and as a result, the shelf life is very short. So we have tried to give the customer new possibilities by offering something easy to use with a long shelf life.”

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