The Launch of a High...

The Launch of a High Astaxanthin Egg

14 Sep 2016 | Algaetech International

Algaetech International Sdn Bhd has launched Premia ASTA EX. PREMIA Astaxanthin EX was derived from a unique strain of microalgae called Haematococcus pluvialis after it was acclimatized to the local conditions in Malaysia. The Malaysia-based company also revealed the launch of premium eggs infused with natural astaxanthin. The egg, which offers an alternative method of supplementing the diet, provides the antioxidative properties of astaxanthin and improved nutrition, as well as improved quality (yolk strength, yolk coloration & nutrient composition) eggs. Hens are fed with the astaxanthin source AIMsys by Algaetech, which is a freeze-dried Haematococcus pluvialis powder. The deep orange coloration of MyAsta Egg yolks is due to the substantial presence of astaxanthin. The product features various claims, including those around eye and cardiovascular health.  

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