Better-for-you cakes? Consumers' health-consciousness drives reformulations, Palsgaard exec says
09 Aug 2019 --- The increasingly health-conscious consumer and the rise of the healthy indulgence trend have both contributed to the demand for better-for-you cakes. This is according to Morten Hoffmann Kyed, Director Product Management at Palsgaard, speaking with FoodIngredientsFirst. “Purchasing decisions are influenced by a growing number of health-related considerations. Cake consumers may now variously expect their favorite products to be gluten-free, vegan, low-carb, egg-free, organic, low in sugar, low in saturated fat or low in trans-fat,” he adds.
The company recently released a report, which identifies the rising popularity of better-for-you and free-from products in the US, while consumers are increasingly prioritizing sustainability. The Denmark-based company argues that its products can help address these needs, with Emupals replacing the shortening that many US cake premix manufacturers currently use as an emulsifier carrier. Alternatively, Palsgaard SA can be used instead of the cake gels commonly used in long-shelf-life cakes. They are both suitable for all cake types, whether aerated or non-aerated, and can be used in anything from sponge cakes to cupcakes and Swiss rolls to muffins.
Innova Market Insights reports a 16 percent CAGR in food and beverage launches with a free-from claim in recent years (Global, 2013- 2017). These products accounted for 24 percent of food and beverage launches reported in 2017. This is also affecting emulsions, which must now go under a change to conform to consumer needs. US consumers have a strong appetite for cake premixes and for prebaked cakes with a long shelf-life, both of which rely on emulsifiers.
In premixes, emulsifiers are responsible for uniformity, aeration and crumb softening, but often are carried via high-ratio shortenings, which can be high in saturated and trans fats. However, powdered emulsifiers can facilitate a switch from these fats which are linked to health concerns, to unsaturated liquid oils. Additionally, a higher emulsifier content than typical high-ratio shortenings or cake gels means lower dosages are required to achieve high-quality results.
Palsgaard’s lines are both also plant-based and free from allergens, further appealing to consumers with specific dietary needs. Specifically, Emulpals can help overcome common challenges with gluten-free cakes, which can be less structured than their traditional counterparts and tend to dry out quickly. The company says that the product allows the batter to hold high volumes of liquid oil without changing mouthfeel.
In long shelf-life cakes, emulsifiers are used for various functions including aeration, softening, workability and increased shelf-life. The commonly-used gels add extra steps to the production process and generate high rates of wastage. Palsgaard reacts instantly when liquid is added to the batter, meaning no pre-hydration is necessary and requires minimum manual handling, the company says. The powdered whipping-active cake emulsifiers will be on display at the International Baking Industry Expo, September 8-11, in Las Vegas, US.
The products are both made in 100 percent CO2-neutral facilities, with Palsgaard saying it is the only manufacturer to do so. A 2018 Innova Market Insights survey found that 64 percent of US and UK consumers expect companies to invest in sustainability. Additionally, two-thirds of consumers say they would prefer a food and beverage product over another if it claimed to be sustainable and planet-friendly.
“At Palsgaard, we see direct evidence of this in our satisfaction evaluations, in which we ask our customers to rank the importance of different issues on a scale of one to ten. Sustainability now typically scores around nine,” notes Kyed.
However, some of Palsgaard’s products do contain palm oil, which is linked to deforestation. “Where we use palm oil, we use only RSPO-certified materials, and our complete product range is MB- or SG-certified. We also ensure that every batch we use can be traced back to the mill it came from. When properly cultivated, palm oil is considered to be the most sustainable, best-functioning vegetable oil on the planet. In fact, palm oil has several built-in sustainability advantages, including year-round production, a long productive lifespan (over 20 years), the highest yield per hectare of any vegetable oil crop and the highest energy efficiency,” Kyed explains.
By Katherine Durrell
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