Allulose as a trendi...

Allulose as a trending bulk sweetener

11 Jun 2019 | Tate and Lyle

The US mainstream commercial adoption of allulose looks closer than ever after the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced that it will allow the low-calorie sweetener to be excluded from total and added sugars counts on Nutrition and Supplement Facts labels when used as an ingredient in April 2019. “Allulose has been approved for some time, but until now allulose has been labeled as a sugar and as an added sugar because it is a rare sugar. But it has relatively low calories at just 4 calories per gram. Until now there has never been an issue like to this for the FDA to contend with: a sugar without calories. We recognized some 4 years ago that we needed to overcome that because consumers are not just looking for calorie reduction, but also for sugar reduction,” Abigail Storms at Tate & Lyle says.

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