20 Dec 2023 --- Edging toward 2024, food industry players are taking note of rising themes setting the stage for product development, recently identified within Innova Market Insights’ Top Ten Food & Drink Trends for 2024. We speak to suppliers ADM, Puratos and ofi, alongside Innova Market Insights, exploring how innovation for next year is already unfolding within functional hydration, plant-based novelties and upcycled snacks. “The Innova trend that differs the most compared to previous years is most likely our ninth Top Trend, ‘H2.0.: Quenching the Future.’ This year, the beverage space is getting its own trend. Innova data indicates 10% growth in soft drinks and sports nutrition products that make some type of hydration related claim over the last three years,” Lu Ann Williams, director of innovation at Innova Market Insights, tells Food Ingredients First.