OLESSENCE™: The Next Generation of Natural Solutions
21 Mar 2024 | Kemin Food Technologies
The rising consumer demand for healthier and natural food options has encouraged the exploration of innovative natural plant extracts as alternatives to synthetic ingredients. In the world of bakery products, the issue of oxidation and rancidity poses a significant challenge, impacting the shelf life and overall quality of dry bakery goods such as breadsticks, cookies, breaded toasts, crackers…etc. In this context, OLESSENCE, through the combined potential of olive, rosemary and green tea extracts, presents a promising natural solution to enhance the sensory profile, contributing also to counter the effects of oxidative rancidity. Flavour profile enhancement, versatility, preserving freshness naturally are only few of the reasons why to choose our innovative solution.

Caroline Ecoffard
Kemin Food Technologies EMEA

Serena Martini
Senior RD Manager
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