Exclusive Partnership Results in Natural Acid Blocker
Since the products are non-volatile, they have no aroma. They are heat stable, Kosher, and when used at very small dosages, can help attenuate the negative taste impact of acid.
13 Jun 2012 --- Natural Taste Consulting has formed an exclusive partnership with Natural Advantage, a leader in the area of natural product development, and is proud to offer a high performing, natural acid blocker.
Due to man’s necessity of food for human survival, food preservation features among the oldest known technologies. Food preservation is a method applied to prevent spoilage that commonly occurs through either the growth of microorganisms in food products or oxidation of the fatty acids causing rancidity.
There are a wide range of methods currently available to decrease the growth of microorganisms, but, in general, these methods either (i) reduce the water activity essential for life (drying, freezing, salting, sugar addition), (ii) attenuate the micro-organisms through extreme heat followed by sterile packaging (UHT, canning, pasteurization) or (iii) reduce the pH below the point that pathogenic bacteria grow (pickling, fermentation or addition of acid).
Fermentation, which dates back to 7000 BC, is arguably the oldest known method to preserve food. Fermentation is the biochemical conversion of carbohydrates and sugars into organic acids and alcohol. The production of organic acid results in a reduced pH below 4.6 which retards the growth of pathogens and inhibits the production of lethal toxins. Through the addition of acid, the very same principle of lowering pH has since been adopted across food and beverage categories including carbonated soft drinks, fermented dairy products, salad dressing and mayonnaise.
While acidity helps to diminish microbial growth, the human palate can be dissatisfied with a sour taste and this negatively impacts consumer preference. Hence, product formulators are constantly faced with a paradox. How can one maintain a low pH to keep microbial growth in check while offering a product meeting the taste desires of the consumer?
The current solution commonly used to ensure acidic products taste acceptable to the consumer involves the addition of high amounts of sugar giving the impression that the food is less sour. Needless to say, while the taste may be improved, the calorie content is largely increased.
The biochemical mechanism underpinning sour taste occurs via trans-membrane ion channels located within the taste buds on our tongue. The ion channels admit protons (H+) liberated by sour substances into the cell.
With our partner’s sound scientific understanding of taste coupled with an ability to harness nature’s secrets, our partner has successfully identified natural and cost effective blockers of acidity.
Since the products are non-volatile, they have no aroma. They are heat stable, Kosher, and when used at very small dosages, can help attenuate the negative taste impact of acid. Moreover, the products will be labeled as natural flavor on finished food products! These products have also been widely tested with excellent results in application including yogurts, acidified dairy drinks, salad dressings, tomato sauces & ketchup, mayonnaise, juice containing beverages, pickled products and canned vegetables.
Natural Taste Consulting, where nature and science unite to make the world a tastier place! Contact: info@ntcflavors.com
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