Half of UK fish populations are overfished or in “critical state,” new data warns
13 Sep 2023 --- A new report from Oceana, a non-profit organization focused on ocean conservation, has found that half of the “top 10” fish stocks on which the UK fishing industry relies are overfished, or their population size is critically low.
Of the 104 stocks analyzed in the Taking Stock report, over a third are being overfished, and a quarter have been depleted to critically low population sizes.
According to Oceana, the government setting drives this situation to catch limits too high – exceeding scientific advice.
To prevent the collapse of these populations and safeguard ocean wildlife, coastal communities and the fishing industry itself, the government must urgently commit to setting all catch limits in line with the science, Oceana states.
Overfished species
The UK fishing industry relies heavily on ten key stocks landed by British boats in the greatest volumes. Yet, five of these are either being overfished, like mackerel or have reached a critically low population size, like North Sea cod.
Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall, chef and campaigner involved with the report, flags: “The stark fact is that overfished stocks have one thing in common: they are on course for collapse. If that is allowed to happen, the human livelihoods will go with them just as fast as the marine ecosystems they support. Our government must step up to prevent the UK from losing its fish and starving its seas.”
The Taking Stock report examined 104 populations – most UK commercial fish stocks. Over a third of these are being overfished (34%) and only 45% are sustainably fished.
Along with fishing pressure, the report assessed population size, revealing that less than half (41%) of UK fish populations are of a healthy size and a quarter (25%) are in a critical condition. The health of the remaining populations could not be determined due to lack of data, leaving them at greater risk of overfishing.
Time to end overfishing
Director of Oceana in the UK, Hugo Tagholm, believes the government claims to be striving for a “gold standard” in fisheries management.
“Yet they continue to ignore the science and rubber-stamp the rampant exploitation of our seas. This puts fish populations at risk and everything that relies on them, including marine wildlife and the fishing industry itself,” he says.
“It is time for the UK to show political leadership and commit to catch limits in line with the science and a clear and ambitious strategy to end overfishing.”
Meanwhile, Dr. Annette Broderick, professor of Marine Conservation at the University of Exeter, comments: “Oceana’s Taking Stock report demonstrates the dire state of UK fish stocks. These exploited fish populations play an integral role in marine ecosystems, the health of the ocean and the future of the UK’s fishing industry.”
“Time is running out to conserve vulnerable marine life. The UK government must follow scientific guidance and set fishing quotas within the limits of sustainability.”
Managed stocks
Zero catches are advised for multiple stocks in crisis.
The report also considered the top five best (sustainably fished and healthy size) and worst (overfished and low size) managed stocks.
Three of the five worst-managed populations are in such a state of crisis that the International Council advises a total ban on all catches for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES).
These populations – Celtic Sea cod, West of Scotland cod and Irish Sea whiting – are frequently caught as bycatch when fishers are targeting other
commercial species.The five best-managed populations are typically caught in comparatively small quantities and are of relatively low economic value.
Sustainable catch limits mean healthier populations.
The problem, the report says, is that the government regularly sets catch limits higher than scientific advice, leading to overfishing and low population sizes. For instance, for the five best-managed stocks, catch limits for 2020-2023 were mainly set in line with ICES scientific advice. However, catch limits were set far higher than scientists advise to prevent stocks from collapsing for four of the five worst-performing populations.
Oceana is calling for the government to urgently commit to setting catch quotas in line with ICES scientific advice at sustainable limits.
Earlier this year, the Global Tuna Alliance reacted with disappointment at another “missed opportunity” for the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission to agree on a rebuilding plan for yellowfin tuna, which has been overfished for several years.
In June, a study revealed that many of the world’s largest aquatic food producers are highly vulnerable to human-induced environmental change, with some of the highest-risk countries in Asia, Latin America and Africa demonstrating the lowest capacity for adaptation.
Meanwhile, the UK government recently claimed it is boosting sustainable fishing by exercising post-Brexit powers that allow it to control fish catches and stocks in British waters now it’s no longer part of the EU. Ministers backed measures to create a resilient fishing industry while securing sustainable fish stocks.
Edited by Elizabeth Green
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