Food protection: DuPont launches powder antioxidant from naturally sourced mixed tocopherols
26 Jun 2018 --- DuPont Nutrition & Health has announced its debut of Guardian Toco 30p, a highly effective and label-friendly antioxidant from naturally sourced mixed tocopherols in a powder form. Manufacturers of cereal and granola brands can now have a convenient, easy-to-use antioxidant protection product when compared to liquid tocopherols, according to DuPont.
The powder format can help ease manufacturing concerns such as homogeneous distribution, handling, labor-intensive cleanup and application equipment costs and limitations.
Speaking to FoodIngredientsFirst, John Wyatt, Regional Product Manager, Food Protection, says: “Mixed tocopherols are excellent and effective antioxidants. The power of the antioxidant comes with the value for maintaining the quality of the finished food product over the shelf-life or in many allowing for a shelf life extension. This provides confidence to the manufacturer that their products will have the desired quality when the consumer purchases the product. It also gives confidence to the consumer that the products they purchase will meet the expected quality.”
“The target applications for Guardian Toco 30p are low moisture foods, such as cereals, bars and snacks. Other applications would need to be tested. However, mixed tocopherols, in general, can, and are, used in a variety of applications, including beverages and fruit-based products. Food manufacturers can decide whether a liquid or powdered version is easier to handle in their production,” Wyatt explains.
“The challenges of a powdered product include making sure the powder is free-flowing and easy to handle,” he continues. “The powder must be protected from oxygen exposure until it is added to the finished food. Another challenge regarding business usage is the fluctuating costs of tocopherols over time.”
“Tocopherol prices are typically stable over time. Occasionally there have been time periods where the price will increase rapidly for several months, which becomes a challenge for both the manufacturer and the end user,” adds Wyatt.
Joy Zhong, Senior Application Scientist, Food Protection, also comments: “Tocopherols are a known powerful antioxidant to inhibit lipid oxidation. The advantage over other natural antioxidants is its low sensory impact. It is important to note that natural antioxidants are not expected to offer a one-to-one replacement for synthetic antioxidants and higher usage levels may be required.”
“Guardian Toco 30p simplifies the process by incorporating antioxidants into the dry mix and eliminates the need for additional equipment and cleanup,” says Luping Ning, Group Manager, Bars/Confections/Snacks/Cereals. “This new antioxidant solution in a cost-effective powder form helps to reduce expenses while improving productivity.”
Shelf-life studies validate the antioxidant activity. In accelerated shelf-life studies of commercial cereal products, Guardian Toco 30p at 1000 ppm was found to significantly inhibit oxidation of the cereal as indicated by the reduced level of hexanal, while sensory evaluation of the cereals correlated well with hexanal levels. In a separate accelerated shelf-life study, Guardian Toco 30p was incorporated into the dry mix of extruded oat and corn cereal. Sensory testing at 12 weeks of accelerated storage showed that both 1200ppm and 1500ppm levels significantly reduced “cardboard” and “painty” flavor attributes.
“Tocopherols enable a consumer-friendly ingredient declaration compared to synthetic antioxidants,” adds Ning. “Now cereal and granola brands have a solution that contributes to a positive eating experience by maintaining cereal freshness with greater consumer acceptance, all while contributing to the bottom line.”
Looking ahead, Wyatt hopes there will be further developments in this area: “DuPont is very active in the Food Protection business, which includes antioxidants. There is a constant and focused search for new and better antioxidant formats that will benefit the food industry,” he concludes.
Antioxidants are finding new potential amid modern life’s demands. As the fast-paced, high-stress and the time-precious contemporary consumer doesn’t have much time for sourcing and cooking from scratch, that often translates into a lack of fresh fruit and vegetables and an increase in processed and convenience food.
Antioxidants play a much more significant role in supporting health than simply quenching free radicals.
Aside from promoting health and well-being, antioxidants have an essential role to play in preserving food, but also must come with a clean label to get maximum impact.
Last week, FoodIngredientsFirst published a report titled Natural antioxidants: Unlocking the power of plants to preserve food. You can read the full report here.
By Elizabeth Green
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