Tesco Opens Dairy Centre to Boost British Dairy Competitiveness
The ‘Tesco Dairy Centre of Excellence’ at Liverpool University’s Wood Park farm, Wirral will bring together experts from across the dairy sector to look at issues from animal welfare to consumer trends.
23/01/09 Tesco launched a national dairy centre in the Wirral to boost the competitiveness of British dairy industry.
The ‘Tesco Dairy Centre of Excellence’ at Liverpool University’s Wood Park farm, Wirral will bring together experts from across the dairy sector to look at issues from animal welfare to consumer trends.
This exclusive agreement, which is funded by Tesco is the very first time a retailer will have such a unique alliance with a veterinary University.
The project builds on the many unique initiatives such as Local Choice milk, and the Tesco Sustainable Dairy Group all of which illustrate Tesco’s commitment to the dairy industry.
Not only will this centre support these existing initiatives, but it will also bring new innovation which will lead to new products for customers and new markets for dairy farmers.
And Localchoice milk which was initially launched in 14 regions is now in 21 regions with over 170 farmers across the UK signed up to receive enhanced payments. It is in 750 stores selling some 1.4 million litres per week.
The new centre will bring Tesco, farmers and dairy experts together to work on issues facing the industry and help to build a more sustainable dairy industry in the UK.
Lucy Neville Rolfe, Tesco, Corporate and Legal Affairs Director who opened the Dairy Centre said: “We are committed to sourcing British, we already source 100% British milk, and have pioneered initiatives such as LocalChoice Milk. The launch of the Dairy Centre of Excellence is the next step on our journey.
“Our ambition for the Centre is to work closely with our producers, processors and members of the industry in identifying and focussing on today’s and tomorrow’s challenges, testing new technologies and developing a range of best practices.”
“The unit itself is ideally located close to some of our major milk pools in Cheshire and Lancashire. The set up is close in nature to a typical Tesco farm supplier making it an ideal testing ground for us.”
Some of the key areas that the research and development centre will look at are:
• Ways in which to help farmers to deliver commercial benefits on farm
• Exploring consumer trends and product innovation
• Animal welfare
• Environmental best practices
• Milk quality
The centre will give Tesco access to some of the best people in the industry and will enable some of the many of the issues facing dairy farming to be addressed. Wood Park farm which will also have a visitor centre and will be a national resource centre for farmers, customers and NGO’s.
Emma Rutter, Tesco Dairy Agricultural Manager added: “Our link with the faculty will give us direct access to some of the best specialists in the country within the fields covering areas such as herd health and nutrition. This will give us an invaluable insight into issues that really matter to our producers and customers.”
The University of Liverpool is expected to benefit from the link as it will provide some real commercial focus and enable it to roll out research findings on to the wider industry.
Dr Rob Smith, Head of the Livestock Health and Welfare Division at the University of Liverpool said: “We are delighted to be involved in this exciting new venture. Some of the best farmers in the UK supply Tesco, and the opportunity to work with them has already provided insights into milk production that we hope to develop and feedback to the industry. Our relationship with Tesco and their suppliers will allow us to produce the knowledge and the vets the industry needs to ensure the highest standards of animal welfare, food safety and quality in the future.”
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