Ingredients Solutions, Inc.
Ingredients Solutions, Inc.
631 Moosehead Trail
Waldo, Maine 04915

United States
Ingredients Solutions, Inc.

Let our Ingredients be your Solutions

Ingredients Solutions, “The World’s Largest Independent Supplier of Carrageenan”, offers a full line of carrageenans from multiple manufacturing sites for reliable supplies, the most complete product line, and the best values in the industry.  ISI's Natural and Organic-Allowed carrageenans can replace phosphates and allow for reduced salt levels as well as improve yield and reduce cook loss.  Our products are Kosher and Halal certified.

Our product line also includes Sodium Alginate, Pectin, Locust Bean Gum, Tara Gum, Agar-Agar, Gellan Gum and Xanthan Gum.  ISI is a world leader in the development, design and marketing of Specialty Hydrocolloids.

With a staff having nearly 200 years of combined experience, our Research and Development team’s applications know-how and well-equipped applications lab can assist in the development and reformulation of many food products.    

Our Technical Sales Representatives are dedicated to help you find the right product for your application and our Customer Service Department is always happy to assist you with samples and literature as well as timely order processing.

For samples, literature and technical support call 800-628-3166 or email:

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