Vanilla 2019

Duration:05 Nov 2019 - 07 Nov 2019
Event:Vanilla 2019
Location:Moshi, Tanzania
Organizer:Bakto Flavors
Event Details:

Vanilla 2019 will be held the week of November 5th - 8th, 2019 in Moshi, Tanzania. This meeting will focus on the future of vanilla and vanillin. Given the growing importance of Tanzania, Uganda, and neighboring countries in the vanilla industry, we felt it was the right time to hold a vanilla meeting in the region. We must support the farmers and producers in this part of the world (and as they are up and coming).

Vanilla 2019 will focus on the instability of vanilla production and supply. The agenda will consist of lectures and discussion on the origin of instability, what might be done to remedy this problem, promises and challenges in vanilla production in various global regions, prospects for vanilla production in new regions, and new methods for the production and curing of vanilla beans.