
NPD delivers for diabetics

Jun 2017

Growth continues to be sporadic for new product launches tracked with a diabetic positioning, according to global product launch data tracked by Innova Market Insights. However, there was a +16% increase in product launch activity in 2016 from 2015. The leading market sub-categories with a diabetic positioning in 2016 were sugar & sweeteners, accounting for 13% of product launches tracked, followed by sports powders (8%) and sweet spreads (5%). Manufacturers often broaden product appeal to a wider range of consumers with general “blood sugar control” claims without reference to diabetics or the disease itself.


Yelix Paleta Helada Organica Vainilla Base Leche: Organic Vanilla Ice Cream Bars (Mexico). Three sachets of organic vanilla flavored ice cream bars sweetened with agave syrup. Recommended by the Mexican Diabetic Association. Added with soluble fiber. No added refined sugar. Contains dietary soluble fiber that contributes to improving your digestion, keeping a healthy gut flora. Suitable for all the family including people with diabetes.